This will be the last post for Lord Jaders aka "Jade." She has been missing for the past two weeks and has not been located. We are hopeful that a kind person has fallen in love with her and has decided to keep her in their home...we are not ready to accept any other possible outcome at this time. Thank you for allowing us to have so many wonderful conversations with all of you across the world.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Herrre is the crrreaturrre my beans brrrought back to live with me.
All it does is eat, sleep, and poop.
Bailey trrried to pull its nose out, since it was somehow smashed in.
I wasn't jealous, just borrred and currrious, so I went outside
and disappearrred forrr two nights and two days. My lady bean
rrreacted fasterrr than a bomb squad...This picturrre of me and a few
otherrrs werrre posted everrrywherrre within a squarrre mile rrradius.
Even the SPCA got copies.
Herrre I am safe at home! Forrrtunately, my lady bean alerrrted the entirrre neighborrrhood.
I was discoverrred crrrying on a hot tile rrroof at night by a lovely lady and herrrr Chocolate Labrrradorrr. Durrring the day, the temperrraturrre had soarrred to 114 degrrrees. I hid in a crrrevice above the rrrain gutterrrr to stay out of the heat. My lady bean thinks a rrrogue Ki Yo Tee who has been seen scavenging may have chased me up the neighborrrs olive trrree and I landed on theirrr rrroof. Thank God forrr grrreat claws!
I told Yogie, I would post the Frrridge Meme next time.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Family Va-CAT-ion
Herrre I am crrrying
because ourrr beans went to see something
"Old and Faithful" in a place called Yellowstone.
When they came back they had picturrres,
of some new pets they're going to get.
Something, Old and Faithful.
is sneaking arrround in the darrrk...
my bed with it!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Lord Jaders Lounge
Monday, June 2, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Back in Decemberrr
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