Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Prrrince Charrrming--Wherrre Arrre You?

Some day my prrrince will come...

...Oh, is that him overrr therrre?

Is he in a trrree? My favorrrite place to be?
I will continue my searrrch and will rrreturrrn
on Monday. Prrrince Charrrming--whoeverrr
you arrre, if you rrread this, please leave me
a message.

Monday, July 9, 2007


Ah, yesss--an hourrr spent waiting forrr the furrr drrresserrr to apply my lavish pink locks, (frrrom Cat Realm's Anastasia's Dare). When suddenly, I rrrealized that the furrr drrresserrr
wasn't going to come at all, and I would have nothing to wearrr to a parrrtay!

So herrre I sit, looking forrr little white mice to tell the furrry godcatmotherrr that the cinderrrcat (cinders-ashes-ash gray???) is still waiting to look spectacularrr SO maybe a prrrince charrrming cat will take me to a ball.