I am cerrrtain that my family would apprrreciate any purrrs and prrrrayerrrs you would like to send. Grrrand bean is only 65. Young--considerrring his fatherrr and motherrr lived into theirrrr late 80's and his grrrand bean lived to be 101 yearrrrs old. That's got to be morrre than 9 lives! I don't know at this time how often I will be able to post orrr rrrespond to a comment. Thank you forrr underrrrstanding at this time. Just in case you werrre wonderrring--Kimo and Sabi's grrrandma bean was my grrrandbean's olderrr sisterrr. So yes, we arrre rrreally cousins--not just furrry furrrends.
I will talk to everrryone when I can--love and purrrs to you all... Jade
Oh Jade, we are so sorry to hear about your Granddad. We will get the gang together to purr for all of you.
Thanks for letting us know, Jade. I'm sorry to hear about your grandbean, and will be crossing my paws now.
This is very sad news. Stay close by your mom, and we'll keep all of you in our thoughts.
oh Jade, we are sending lots of purrrrrs to your grandbean.
We'z so sorry to hear dat yoor grampa bean is so sick. We'z be purring and purraing fur him. We miss our grampa bean (dad's dad) sumfing awful and mom's eyes still leak.
Cousin - we is purrayin' fer you and yer fambly and da tall uncle bean - we luvs you all.
Yer California cousins,
Kimo & Sabi, Mommakitty & Daddykitty
Oh, Jade! I'm so sorry about your grandbean and we Ballicai will be purrin' and purrin' that he can battle the cancer. We all love you bunches and we will keep your family in our thoughts!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I just heard the news on Kimo and Sabi's blog and came right over. I am very sorry that your Grandpa bean is so sick. I will be praying for him.
Dear friend, I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please know that I am purring and purraying for your Grandbean and that I am keeping your family in my heart and in my thoughts.
Love and purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We are furry sorry to hear about yer grandadbean and we are sending (((hugs))) and purrrs to yoo all.
I am sorry to hear about your Grandbean. I will keep him in my prayers. Both my mom's dad, and my dad's mom are cancer survivors, so I know what a horrible disease it is. Sending purrs to all your family.
Oah Jade, I am so sorry to hear that~!!! We are all together here to pray for him~!!!!!
deer jade,
mi brudder mickey an i ar purrin an purraying fer yer grandbean.
an we're thinkin uv yer mom an sendin her owr luv.
luv--yer grate frend--jh (an mickey mantle)
We are very sorry that your Grandbean is so sick. Sending purrs and purrayers.
i'm so sorry to hear your bad news. cancer is a horrid illness. give your meowmie lots of cuddles and headbutts and purrs and tell her that me and my Beans will be thinking of you all
*hugs and headbutts*
Oh Jade, we are purrrrrrrrring and purrrayering for your Grandbean!!
Your FL furiends,
Many many many and lots of purrs to your Grand Bean!!! Can you visit your Grand Bean? Sit on his lap! We cats have healing powers, but you know that.
We wish him all the best!
Karl and Anastasia
Jade, I'm so sorry your family is going through a tough time. Lots of purrs and thoughts...
Tara and Kavan
Oh no! We are purring hard for your grandbean, we hope he can get better.
~Donny, Marie and Casey
Lord Jaders, I am turning my purr button on high and we're sending good comforting healing vibes through the air. We'll keep you and your whole family in our thoughts. Stay close to your mommy and snuggle lots with her. She'll need it.
Aw, Jade, that's furry sad mews. Yur grandbean will be in our purrayers fur sure. Gif yur beans lots of fur an purr therapy to help them feel better. We'll all be here when you're ready to blog. Hugs an Purrs!
Oh Jaders, we will be purring for you.
I am very sorry that your grandbean is sick. I am keeping him in my thoughts and purrs.
Jade, give your Mommy all the love you can. I will pray very hard for your family. I am so sorry that your Grandpa is sick again.
Purrs and prayers,
Jade, I'm so sorry for you and your family. I wanted to come by and let you know that I'll be praying for you and the others.
Ooh, we're sending lots of hugs and purrayers to all of you. Take care of your mom. We'll be here when you get back.
The Furry Kids & their Mom
Oh, Jade, I'm very sorry to hear all your beans troubles. It's a hard thing for you family right now, I will send up kitty prayers for your bean and your grandbean.
Hugs and prayers...G
We're sorry to hear about your grandbean.
Tell your grandbean that we are all sending our best healing purrsss, along with a furry group hug. (he isn't allergic, we hope!?)
We will all be purraying for your Grandbean.
You stay close to your lady bean and give her lots and lots of purrs.
~ Napoleon
Keeping you in our thoughts
We're furry sorry to hear that your grand-bean is dealin' with this insidious disease again. We wish you all strength ...
I am very sad to hear the bad news. He beat it once, though, he'll beat it twice!
Thinking of you and all your families - most of all sending warm fuzzies to your grandbean. He is lucky to have such a loving, caring family. You look after him.
sweet jade, i purr for you constantly...and even more during this hard time. you are in my thoughts and my heart.
benjamin fuzz
(i'll think about this weekend at the family reunion...and wish you were with me to walk along the beach)
I sent my prays again, stay close together~!
Oh my!! this is such tragic news and we are purring like crazy.
we hate cancer, it is a mean mean disease. We want your grandpa to win the battle!
We are praying and purring for your whole family.
Oh Jade, I'm real sad to hear about your granddad Bean being so sick. Sending lots of furry love his way.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
We are so sorry about your Granddad our purrayers go with you and your family. We will continue to hold you strong in our purrs.
A great purr to your granddad.
Wots of purrs for your gwandbean!
Just thinking about you guys and sending lots of hugs and purrs.
I hope your granddadbean gets better!!
lots of Purrayers from all of us.
I hope your grandpa will get better now~!!
Checkin' back in and lettin' you know we Ballicai are continuin' to purr and purr and purr and purr!
Thank you Everrryone! I have the best furrrends in the cat blogoshperrre!
Love to you all,
We will continue praying for your granddad.
We'll keep sending lotsa purrs and purrayers for your Grandbean and yore whole fambly.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
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